Infinite Scroll is The Devil™️
I just need to rant for a second. “Infinite Scroll”, or that thing when you get to the bottom of a webpage or app, like Amazon, or whatever, and it…

The Next Few Years Are Going To Be Interesting
What do I mean by that? I’m talking about AI of course. Artificial Intelligence. (If by some miracle you’re actually reading this and wondering why, once again, I haven’t posted…

Unboxing and Testing my ORIGINAL Atari 2600! With Yars’ Revenge Comic and Star Raiders Controller.
Here’s the first video on my YouTube channel!! My sister sent me our old Atari 2600 and here I am unboxing it, setting it up, and taking it for a…

Updates and New Products!
Actually this is just a placeholder since well I’m working on the store right now, when I’m done I’ll update this post. In the meantime, go checkout my Etsy store…

Content? We Don’t Need No Stinking Content.
LOL. So uh, yeah. That went well, didn’t it. N Not sure how two months slipped by me, except to say BLACK FRIDAY XMAS OMG WTFBBQ and now its over….

Hey everyone! This is ripptech labs (if you haven’t guessed already.) So what does that mean? Hell, I don’t know. I mean I guess it means that I need to…

Thanks, Anycubic!
Well, yeah, so while I was back up at the farm in Wisconsin, I’d taken one of my Voxelab Aquila’s and my Anycubic Mono SQ up there so I could…

Anycubic Photon Mono SQ – My First Resin Printer
Gonna update this post in steps… be patient lol. About a month ago, Anycubic had a post on their Facebook page… $110! Resin printer! Get em quick! Anycubic Photon Mono…

Cheap Fix for Chevy Cruze Power Window
So, the wife calls me and says “uh, the window in the cruze just broke and fell to the bottom of the door.” Great. I open up the door panel,…