Oh, Hi there.
Yes, its been over 90 days since my last update. Life deals you a shit hand every now and then, and well, I was on a roll so to speak. I’ve moved. Hell, I’m still moving, but things are about in place where I can start recording again, and start writing again. Still not sure how this will all play out, but yeah.
I’ve launched Antique Radio Shop, well ok I launched it on Etsy and still have to get the website finished, but there is product up and people are buying it! I just have to figure out how to sync my collection of listings to two different places(!)
This is good news. Speaking of Etsy, I’ve gotten a few 3d printing orders come through on my ripptechlabs store, but not as much. I’ve stopped all my Patreon subs to save the dough, and don’t have the catalog I used to. But, I’m working on that, also.
So whats to come?
More fix-it videos. I started the RCA 16×3 and got a few published on YouTube (and yes, I realized I never linked them here!! My SSL cert was expired for a week, this is my life.)
But there’s more. Old radios, new junk, tv’s, vintage computers, games, you name it. I also want to do more “modern” electronics videos in the microcontroller space. Learning Arduino etc. and using that to do new things. I may even chime in here or there with some random opinion or tirade.
But I think what you won’t see here, is me fawning over the new generative AI.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love AI. ChatGPT, Claude, ElevenLabs, MidJourney, BlueWillow, $&@#$^ I have been abusing the hell out of these to try and speed up the creation of some niche-y sites that I’ve been wanted to work on. A couple of those are live, and a few still being worked on. You wouldn’t believe how much I can get done with it. (And yet, here we are 90 days later with not much, I know.)
No, I won’t tell you what they are. Not yet. Maybe never. idk.
So hang on. If I don’t report back tomorrow, then I fell into a black hole and I’m probably better off, so don’t bother come looking.